Best ball protecting tutorial in FIFA 19

Every player may want to know how to shield the ball and defend the opponents then score a goal in the matches cheap fifa 19 coins of FIFA 19 in the following content I'll introduce the best tutorial to protect the ball from the defenders coming from behind in two situations.

The different situation needs different tactics.

For example if the ball is traveling there is a defender coming from behind and you want to keep possession of the ball you need to press and hold the left trigger of the controller then you can protect the ball from the defender successfully. This is an important technique in the final third field especially when you facing high-pressure opponents. The bigger the player on the ball is the better he will protect from the defenders.

How to shield the ball and defend the opponents in the one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper? When you faced pressure by the defender coming from behind the key to success is to keep holding the spring button down while using to protect the ball. Or hold down the Alt or LT button of your controller plus R to RT at the same time keep moving forward and the player on the ball will protect the ball while running. This is the only technique you can apply in FIFA 19. In FIFA 18 you had to release the spring button and tap the left trigger a few minutes in order to protect the ball in FIFA 19 you don't have to release the spring button keep running forward and then hold down the L2 button and keep it pressed until you score a goal. Then you can get success easier.

Generally we can sum up that in the in the final third of the field you need to hold down the L to LP button of your controller while the ball is traveling and if you find yourself in a one-on-one situation with a goalkeeper you need to hold down the L2 button of your controller. These are the best two ways of shielding the ball and defend the opponents. So you can keep the tutorial in mind when you are running in the court. That might be helpful. There are lots of FIFA 19 tips and tricks for how to play in the matches if you are interested in that please pay attention to which is also a safe and cheap method to buy FIFA 19 coins.